Tuesday, February 26, 2008

essence of relationship had changed

Based on the cases relevant to relationship that happened surround me, suddenly I realized:
  1. MONEY does affect one's relationship.
  2. People tend to remain SILENT when things messed up.
  3. Indecisive man really TORTURING his partner.
  4. STINGY man loves to use various reason to cover his actual intention.
  5. TRUST does affect one's relationship.

So, from these cases, they make me think of whats the essences in one's relationship then?

  1. Love
  2. Passion
  3. Trust
  4. Understanding
  5. Tolerance
  6. Freedom
  7. Emotional Intimacy
  8. Communication
  9. Commitment
  10. Last but not least, MONEY


Cheriecey said...

I'm the no.2 victim... sigh. Money affects whether I wanna consider one as a partner. so true. I seriously wish that those who care about losing money on me, better don't chase me, I scare I lose control & smack them. LOL.

sounds so exaggerating.

Cheriecey said...

feels overwhelmed. but your points sum up my thoughts. worrying about all those that I've told you made me feel no point to seek a partner. A suitable partner shouldn't have me to concern about extra issues. He should know what to do, not trying to squeeze some advantages from the relationship. & the worst is I feel it's better to stay clean from dating relationship in order to stop such issues you stated here. sei dak.

what's the meaning then? better to remain as single & available to wait for one who won't pose such threats on me shall be the solution.

seldom I feel stuck, hesitating what to do & worrying no matter what I do will bring up problems. this's the time I consider withdrawing from closeness. what so shit is point no. 5 is added to be problem for other points. before anything can be done, the normal relationship has been burdened so.