Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Its not an extraordinary matter to dream, everyone will dream when sleep. May be you are realize of it, may be not. Some dreams do contain hidden meaning, yet some were just some random pictures that caused up by the working neurons in your brain while you are sleep. Types of dream pop-up in my mind now, woooo~~

I used to dream when sleep, nothing to curious about. But, its abit tough recently, I got no idea why the same kind of dreams keep on repeating over and over again lately. Every night, I tried so hard to tired myself, so that I could have a nice yet peaceful sleep times. But, things turn up so badly recently. I feel unusual... uneasy... uncomfortable... I wonder the reason behind of these dreams...

Yesterday night, I kept on rolled on my bed, I just couldnt get into sleep. When I able to sleep, been interrupted by several similar types of dreams in ONE hour. Gosh...I learned helplessness, I terrifrighten. Not dare to go to bed anymore.. Starred at the ceiling and message with the one who loves me.

Dream 1:
Venue: Field
Outline: Alone in the field... walked here and there as if lost direction... Suddenly, thousands of bullets shooted towards me... Cover myself behind a tree instantly... Helpless... terrifrighten... Bullets passed by just like that... Shoted! Killed! Dead...

Dream 2:
Venue: Tower
Outline: Alone on the top of the tower, depressed... Pushed forward by some unexplained powers... Fell down from the tower... No tears... No fears.. Waiting the available of floor... Helpless...

Dream 3:
Venue: Home
Outline: Thinking of something... Gun on the table... Frustrated by the noises... Shooted at the baby... Stunned... He starred at me, but still alive...

Dream 4:
Venue: Car
Outline: Drive alone... On the way to somewhere else... Normal speed... A truck besides me... Getting closer to my car... Break instantly, avoid accident... Break didnt function... Frighten.. Eye closed.... Eye opened, noticed the truck still there, getting more closer... No fears... Eye closed again... Bang into the truck... Dead...

Jocey, could you feel how helplessness I'm in the dream?
Dc, now you know how much I scared to sleep yesterday night and the reason why I sleep so late at night in recent?

This is another reason why I insist want to sleep with lights on unless there is someone besides me.

Friday, January 25, 2008

human should know this...

We are not your puppet, do not ever try to control us. It's enough! Ya, you could be dominant in your business, but not in the relationship. Its a reciprocal relationship, needs tolerances and mutual understanding, if you keep on have the urge to be the dominant role in the relationship, please get off. Well, even if you don want to get off, I don think your relationship will be everlasted, unless, your partner really crazy about you, cant live without you. God bless you and HER too..

Yes, your another should not restricted to be your lover, but he or she could be your best friend either. If there is anything that needs to discuss, can share it with your significant ones, do not hesitate on the self-esteem or man's faces. He or she might not helps you in certain things, but at least, he or she able to knows what you worried of at that moment. Although he or she couldn't gives you a hand, but his or her hugs, understanding and empathy definitely can delighting your days. Sigh, stereotypes really headache, because of stereotypes, men tend to keep what they worried to self instead of share them with their significant ones. They scare of the misunderstanding from their partners. Yet, social identity stressed in daily life too, men tend to suppress their own emotion from others, they just wont simply expose their sadness to others, as if cry is a sign of pride defeated. Come one man~ just express your emotion to your beloved. Everyone needs space to take off the 'mask' and everyone has the right to be weak. Your significant ones is your destination to reveal your real self.

You succeed in business doesn't mean you will be ok in relationship. You are always the failure if you never learn to be humble and tolerate with your significant ones. The tactics and the styles you used in business may work in the business world, but they are not useful in relationship. Advantages are taken from both side in the business world, but not in relationship. What a relationship needed are: empathy, understanding, love but not sexual intercourse, and commitment (everything are in mutual styles, lack of each side, the relationship will probably certified as a death).

Monday, January 21, 2008


Tears dropped....
What I doing right now?
What I did?
I hurt my beloved..
I know I hurt you..

I don know what I'm doing..
I don know what L'm thinking..
I just hate myself..
I just hate...

Once again,
I lose my ways...
I lose myself..

Once again,
I apology to you my dear..
I'm sorry..

you said you wont want me to cry while be with you
this time I really cant help myself to stop crying right now
I knew I hurt you..


I knew I disappointed you... Sorry..
I knew I took the wrong step...
I knew....

Nothing I can say beside this
Sorry my dear...

Thanks for your forgiveness, thank you my dearest...
Promise no next time..

Friday, January 18, 2008



何为好?何为坏? 何为正当?何为走偏?Please tell me what is the criteria to determine these terms. 每个人对这同样的事有着不同的看法与想法。。你觉得对得并不代表别人也赞同。你觉得坏的,别人可能觉得是对的,没什么大不了。 大家站在不同的立场上思考,自然的,每个人的顾虑当然就会有所偏差。怂恿的话,听不得。事情往往都是靠自己去衡量,去评估。生命是自己的,自己就得负责。路是自己选的,一切的后果就得自负。

人嘛,总是自以为是。。。 可悲。。。 总是认为自己做的事是对的,别人就是错的。。总是拿自己的经验来衡量别人,自己的经验就是经验,别人的就不是。。总是口口声声地说自己到底有多伟大。。人,就是一个复杂的个体。。

有些人愿意听取你的意见,有些人则不能。有些人虽然不赞同你的说法,但他并不会试图的想把你的想法改变,因为,他知道每个人是不同的,每个人有自己的想法,有自己的累积起来的经验。他会让你自己去体验,自己去摸索。不是说别人的劝解听不得,不是说别人的经验要不得。。 听不听,全是因个人而定。吸取别人的经验,听取别人的劝解有如锦上添花,但并不是茫然的跟随。

你所经历过的事并不代表所有。。 你所体验过的事并不代表大家也有着同样的经验。。你有的只是你的经历,经验,别无其他。 Please do not ever generalize what you experienced in your life into others' life unless there is theories or researches supported your statement. Otherwise, it called naive!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Attended to counseling session this afternoon. Initially felt okay with it, just a normal conversation, not a big deal though.

As the session progressing, the same questions pop-up again: "Am I really ok with my life?", "Who am I?", "Where is my freedom? I want my freedom badly".......... See, confusing again. I have an urge to get rid of this confusion. I know, I'm the main issue. (Jocey, help me, knock my head please)

The counselor reminds me of the tremendous impacts from my parents' parenting style on me. Ya, the effects of parenting style on children, one of my favorite area in psychology. Besides than parenting style, the impacts of childhood experiences (hahaha.. Mr.Freud pop up in my mind!)and the effects of traditional Chinese family pop-up in my mind at that moment. Wow, what I learned along these years are applicable. Who dare to say Psychology is a nonsense course? It's so much useful and applicable than other courses, at least, to me, it is.

At the end of the counseling session, she told me something that outsider never discovered from me, even my parents, something that I tried so hard to hide from others. I speechless. She succeed in read my inner unpleasant, she knows I'm pretending. She could be a successful counselor in the coming time. Thanks to you.

I found I feel more comfortable to talk to those who share similarities with me, as in my coursemate and counselor, at least, we understand what and why something will happens, we talked something that theories supported. Heartache and speechless would never occur within the conversation with them.

Psychology, Bravo!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Why ones will feel sad?
Why ones will feel unhappy?
Why ones will keep on rumintating on something?
Why ones will do something with purpose?
Why ones will hurt themselves?
Why ones will............................



What makes human live in suffer is because WE HAVE THOUGHTS.

p/s: its only my view, you may not agree of it. emo now, so, words become emo too =(

Monday, January 14, 2008


Attended to PSY303 this morning, a tired morning to me. yawn~ know why? Because I only had 7 hours of sleeps yesterday night, there is one more hour lacks in my regular sleep times. Since last year, I need to have 8 hours of sleep times everyday regardless when I sleep. The 8 hours of rest time are the essence in my day.

In class, Gerry talked about silence.

Silence in counseling session could be a major threat to a counselor. The time of silency is the most scariest time DURING the session. Silence from a counselee may represents (1) he or she doesnt knows what to say or respond, (2) he or she not understands what the counselor talking about, (3) he or she thinks the counselor cant help them though, (4) he or she hesitate on the issues that he or she going to presents or the statements which come out from the counselor, (5) he or she may re-think if what he or she did was the wrong movement, or (6) some other unnoticeable reasons. Well, if the counselee insists remain silent after several approaches had been taken or used during the sessions, nothing much that a counselor can do after that. You just cant force your client to talk if he or she doesnt wants to, or else, adverse condition creates (if needed, 'force' could be a good method though, hahaha~ But its all depends on how serious and how useful are the information from the client, counselor needs to examine the level of the posisble upcoming issues).

In reality, when one remains silent, peoples around tend to be very 'ke-po-chi' and asks "Hey, why you remain silent? Come, tell me your story, see if I can help you anot". And, some of them used to be over enthusiastic in digging what one doesnt want to reveals: "come on, tell me what happened. why this why that?" Its so annoying, ok? Some even worse, they tend to use 'friendship' as a bet: "Don't want to tell me is it? Don treat me as friend la, right? Ok, fine, thats it" Gosh, sounds so childish and ridiculous.

Come-on, there must be a reason behind the people whom choose to remain silent. What for to keep on pressuring on others to tell you what they concern on when there is no point for them to reveal their thoughts? To those who behave in such way, you are reminded that Everyone have their own privacy, own secret, and own comfort zone. There is no point to force them to tell you their grandmother story, and there is no point for u to cross over other's boundaries. Thats their life, not yours, why you bother so much since they resist so much from letting you know or into their world?

Besides, silent doesnt mean there is something happened in the one's life. Perhaps, he or she merely wants to remain silent without any reasons after talked so much in the day. Or, may be he or she wants to rest the mind and doing some planning? Who knows the real reason of being silent beside themselves? So, silence doenst means a bad thing, it may be a positive though.

I believe, when peoples need to talk, they will talk; when peoples want to talk, they will talk. But, when people dont want to talk, no matter how you force them to talk to you, they just wont bother you. Even if they bother you and tell you something, how many of them who really talk to you with their open heart? So, when peoples need to talk and you are there, they will tend to talk to you more openly and freely; but when peoples don want to talk but you are there, please remain silent as well or just leave him or her alone if he or she doesnt needs anyone besides.

Remain silent might be a warning of others on "stop appraching me". Thus, please be smart in reading those nonverbal cues.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


自从分手过后,我尝试过自由的好。单身的我,自由的我,无忧无虑,根本不用为我的另一半着想。我觉得很自在。我很安于这种感觉也蛮享受单身的生活。 我常向我朋友们说:“女人,应该享受单身的生活,自由自在,没有责任”。在脑海中,想着:“就算以后真的再一次的投入一段感情,我也不能再次的迷失自己,不能放弃我的自由, 也不能让他剥夺我的交友的自由和权利”。

但,当时间一分一秒的度过时,我发现,原来,我并不是真地想向往这种生活, 我在寻找着一个我可以依靠的肩膀,我独占的避风港。我真的玩不起单身的游戏,虽然很享受,但事实上它很耗时,耗尽我的精神,同时也发觉我其实是一步一步的迈进我自己设下的陷阱,好悲哀。 因为,我遗失我自己。

虽然享受单身生活不过是那几个月的时间,但,我好想停顿下来,我不想继续成为一只不会停下来而只会在花丛中不断穿梭的花蝴蝶。 突然,我觉得好累。我好想找到一位真的可以重新再把我的心锁打开的人,一位真正接受我的人,一位会站在我立场上想的人,一位理智而成熟的男人, 一位我想爱的人,还有一种安全感。缺一不可。


Friday, January 4, 2008


感情。。。 爱情。。。 友情。。。 亲情。。。在每个人的生活里是缺一不可。。。纵使你再怎么的能干,再怎么的成功,若你缺少其中一种,我对你真正的开心存有一线的保留。。。你呈现的开心,让我很怀疑。。。

有人渴望爱, 有人期待被爱
那, 爱到底是什么?有了爱又会怎么样?

爱, 其实是很抽象的。。。它并非像你做生意一样,做生意时的可以有方程式,是可以走捷径,但爱情并没有这么一回事。 在爱情里的两个人是需要时间去摸索对方的世界,而不是等着对方将自己的一切撤裸裸的摊在你眼前。 爱并不能走捷径, 明白一个人也如此。 若要走捷径,你注定不能进入她的心。请别再说些愚蠢的话:“那你给我一本用者指南”。 你可知道当你说出这句话的时候,你其实是在贬低自己的智慧?你的这一句话,真得让人觉得很失望。请记住: 爱情是没有捷径的,如果爱她,就学习怎样了解她。


请记住:有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。既然选择了对方,就花点时间,花点心思,费点神力去了解对方。毕竟两个人是来自不同的世界,不同的背景, 难免会有些碰撞,有些误会,有些意见分歧。但,只要有心经营,只要肯付出,只要肯费点心思,对方会看不见吗? 只要肯站在对方的立场上看他看的画面,明白为什么他会这样那样, 只要肯妥协,没什么事情是不可能的。在爱情里,没有东西是可以解决,只有妥协和包容。


无论什么事情发生,我自己啃, 自己背
不用操心, 我会对自己的生活负责
whatever, I just don't give a damn anymore

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thank you

I know its hard to deal with

I know times needed to examine the accuracy

I know ambiguity hurts

I know the importance of one's principal

I know... I don't know... I know... I don't know...

Anyway, Thanks to you, the one who concerns and worries on me.


Someone told me before, I will get a blissful yet contented relationship if I entered into the gondola. Honestly, I don't know what to react nor response, smile will do. And another reason was, I'm kinda doubt with what he told me at that moment. As all of us known or declared, Eye on Malaysia will only last until the end of year 2007. So, I wonder how could this funny thing used to predict the intensity and the happiness of one's coming relationship, izzit mean that my relationship could only last for 1 year, after that, no more? LOL! Nonsense, I just don give a damn on it. What in my mind was, once the gondola gone, the wishes and blesses gone relatively. No matter how beautiful or how wonderful is the thing or person, it just wont be ever lasted, there is the end for everything.

I tell myself, if and only if this gondola remain in Malaysia after year 2007, I will believe in the 5 Chinese words and believe it really cherish everyone to get their significant ones. If it remain in Malaysia, I will looking forward to enter into it with my Mr. Right, or else, the 5 Chinese words just served as nothing.

Well, I used to listen to the radio when I'm driving. Music or news, whatever, as long as there are some voice in my car. It's been stated in my previous blogs, I like to listen to my favorite musics when I'm drive. I feel relax and enjoy my privacy when I'm the only one in car.

And today, I got a news from the radio (as I haven read news paper in this morning) which is our government decided to remain the Eye on Malaysia. What a surprise, I thought it wouldn't be here once pass year 2007. Well, not anymore for now, and I may go there once again with my friends and enjoy the night view too. Baby [J], want to go there with me? I'm looking for it. =)

Uh-huh!! The 5 Chinese words appeared in my mind once I got to know the news: 幸福摩天轮. "Eye on Malaysia will remain in Malaysia." OK, I believed in these 5 Chinese words, and I'm waiting for my Mr.Right while enjoying my single life =) I know its sounds a little bit crazy and nonsense, whatever, still, I choose to believe in it.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I... but...

I do concern you, but I would like to bully you

I do concern you, but I would like to be denial

I do concern you, but I wouldnt behave caring to you

I miss you, but I wouldnt tell you about my feeling

I miss you, but I wouldnt take the initiative to sms you

I miss you, but I wouldnt reveal it to you

I scare to lose you, but I scare to lose my uniqueness too

I scare to lose you, but I wouldnt tell you how important you are to me

I scare to lose you, but I just wouldnt admit it no matter how

In short, I just wouldnt simply show my feelings on you, what I want is to reveal unpredictable to you. I don want you to read through my mind and my desires.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New and Hopes

Heart broken in the past but it will be healed in this year

A new year is a sign of a new start

A new me represent I going to have a new life

What I going to do in this new year?

Escape from dark side and treasure the bright side

Remain as a typical Scorpio girl but not lose my own uniqueness

Enjoy my life yet not behave too overly

Love, cherish and appreciate my lovely baby [J]

Last day of year 2007


Last day of year 2007, I am kinda excited. Know what? After some consideration and enough courage being gathered, I confronted to dad and ask the permission from him to club. Surprisingly, he allowed me to club. Haha, it's really unbelievable! So, I could hang out and club with my friends officially without any worries. Yahoo!!! My First time!!

Its actually hard to get the permission from dad to club, thus, I decided to pass this day with my beloved Baby [J] and my friend. I didn't plan on what I want to do at the night, but what I want to do for sure is, hahahah, clubbing!! In order not to squeeze my brain juice in planning what to do at the night, I decided to pass this 'important task' to my friend, as in where we go, what we do and where we club. Hohoho~ paiseh ya =)

The schedule of the day: we went to Time Square for our dinner, then Sg.wang for the countdown session and the last session is to club at Ruum.

Finally,I went for clubbing for my first time, kinda excited and I had fun there. Thanks to the one who brought me there and spent his night with me. To ensure my safety, he protects me in a very different way, and I really appreciate it. But very paiseh ya as what happened at that moment made him felt uneasy and jealous. =p After spent for about 1 to 2 hours there, effects of alcohol started happened on me, I felt abit drunk and 'wee wang wang', not really can walk as a normal people. Gosh! This was the second time I got drunk. And thanks again to him for sent me home safely. Thank you!
Time: 1030-1200
People: my lovely baby [J]
Venue: Ruum
Time: 1200 - 330
People in the photo: Baby [J] and dc_ccw
- Before I drunk - -After I drunk-

The last day of year 2007, suddenly have the urge to settle all the unnecessary problems that occurred within the year. I do not want to bring any of these problems into the coming year, I want to settle all of them badly. My wish is to start a new life in a new year.