Monday, July 28, 2008


This morning one uncle who ride bike put on the left signal but he turned to right, and I immediately break my car. At the same time, I heard some sounds (siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*) and eventually I knew that my car tyres not allowed me to speed anymore. To ensure the safeness on road, I remind myself that I need to drive within the legal speed today (hahaha, today). Even though its luckily that no accident happen, but to me, its a sign of bad luck of today. Extra careful-ing*

I DRIVE REAL SLOW THIS TIME. ( I know most of my friends wouldn't believe this, as they know I like to speed a lot ). I drive REALLY slow, not more than 80km/j which I always claimed as "turtle-driving style".

Someone told me before, if not familiar with the place, remember to put on the signal whenever wanna to make any turning. And thus, I PURPOSELY slow down my speed when I was at Tasik Selatan and be aware of every single road board just in case I miss out any junctions.

Damn it, I met accident again!!

I checked on both side mirrors, and I am sure that there is no any motorbike besides me, but who knows when I wanna to turn to left, God! Suddenly I saw one motorbike bang towards passenger side of my car, and immediately he knocked his head on the my car's bonnet, and then fell down on floor. I WAS DAMN SHOCKED that moment. Gosh!

Off the engine, get out from the car, and immediately check on his condition. Oh God, please, nothing serious please!!

Arg~ He was bleed that time, there are some other minor injured on his cheek, shoulder and both hand palms.

HELP!!! I so wanna to make a phone call, but my phone got barred, deng, how to call for seeking help? I am so damn helpless that time.

Once the accident happened, many Malays came out, if not mistaken, there are more than 10 of them, I am not trying to exaggerate of the amount, there are indeed MANY of them, and this really freak me out, trembling and cry on the spot! They then kept told me:" Moi, cepat lo, hantar dia pergi HUKM atau clinic".

Thank God, my friend called me and I immediately told him where am I and ask him go to HUKM meet with me as soon as possible. Thank you Alvin. Muacks!! Your call save my life.

Okay, I fetched this victim to HUKM. On the way to hospital, I asked if he knew those who came by just now, he told me he knew none of them, (Oh shit) its really SHIT, some of them follow us to hospital. Deng lo, what happen, why still follow my car? HELP!!*

Reached hospital, and Alvin reached too, (Thank God! muacks!) Okay, done every checked up, settle everything under table, then Alvin helped me to pay for the medical fees and the compensation on this victim's bike (Thanks again). We spent almost 2 hours at hospital.

Initially I thought to repair my car first before back home, Alvin took me to the bengkel neat by his house, but aiyo, I only can take my car at 8pm. Arg, can not la, its too late, I have to back home and accompany dad to Low Yat as I promised him earlier.

Haih, nothing can do. It's my fault, and thus I need to admit. I am preparing to get scold from parents.

Reached home. Dad and mom are there. Haih, sei jao sei la, told them the whole process honestly, suprisingly, daddy didnt scold me, but mom. Well, its ok, afterall its my fault. I know, they are worrying on me, scare I will get hurt.

This accident make me realize and understand of something.

p/s: Alvin, thanks so much. muacks.


Anonymous said...

haiya, you ahhhh, luckily nothing too serious. I think not the first time already you met accident, so please be careful next time, and all the time.

傲慢天蝎 said...

How you know this is not the first time i met accident? may i know who you are?
thanks for the concern, i will be extra careful next time, all the time.

J@son said...

This accident make me realize and understand of something.

u so black kid 但重要人没事.
n u r so lucky.
ur fren call u on time.

Anonymous said...


J@son said...

miao.. u mean she just know to drift? walao....
i think maybe bcos she 太过小心了..

Anonymous said...

to jason.


J@son said...

to miao.

yes.. u r rite..

Cheriecey said...


傲慢天蝎 said...

to jason:


ya, 我知道今天的我是不幸中的大幸,虽然碰见不好的事,但还是有人帮忙。

to 我是猫:



to jocelynn:

宝贝,别吓死,我还好好地在这里 =) 那时是真得很怕,怕是因为那里就只有我一个女子,其他的全部都是男的,全部都是malay,而我的malay也是有限公司。就他们说malay,而我就用malay+english,真得很怕沟通不了。爬得哭出来。


Anonymous said...


傲慢天蝎 said...

Penny, Alvin 是不懂的看华语的,香蕉人来的。哈哈哈

Anonymous said...

haha, Alvin我也谢谢你,刚好你打电话给她, mean ( Alvin i also need to say thank with u,bcos of u call.Help Rachel much.)